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What Every Girl Should Know - Finishing Course Workbook

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Instilling Virtue in the Hearts of Young Women- Cassette Tape

Frequently Asked Questions

Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

Physical & Inner Beauty

Godly Friendships & Role Models

Talents & Gifts

Social Graces

Proper Health

Home Economics

Relationships with Boys

About Myklin Cox

A Message From Myklin's Heart

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WHAT EVERY GIRL SHOULD KNOW ABOUT...wpe8.jpg (21839 bytes)

Social Graces

"Do unto others as you would have them do to you."  - Luke 6:31

In What Every Girl Should Know: A Study In Love, Life, & Faith, one topic Myklin addresses is the need for young people in world today who exhibit good character, morals, common decency, and respect.  Essentially, society's youth lack good manners and social graces. 

In this chapter, Myklin discusses the Biblical principles behind these topics and how a young woman can practically demonstrate Christ-like behavior in every day life.  These issues are critical for a girl to understand as she endeavors to relate, work and interact with all different types of people. 

Each girl is encouraged and challenged to break the mold of the typical young person out there and become a young woman of character.   


In this section of the workbook, Myklin discusses in depth:

The importance of proper etiquette

Introductions and meaningful conversations

Being a gracious hostess

Demonstrating proper table manners

References: 1 Corinthians 13:5 and Colossians 4:6





Our Character (Wonderful article published in 1896!)



"All of us who know Myklin are thrilled to have this book to treasure with our daughters, as we know it will only inspire them in their walk with the LORD. Isn't that the desire of every Christian mother's heart?" - Wendy, Mother of six

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What Every Girl Should Know - Biblical Perspectives on Love, Life & Faith!